Before Law

Inanimates in Exile
Inanimates in Exile is framed through the figure of the deodand—a form or object that is said to have caused harm to a human and therefore must be “given to god”, or charged with a crime. The works gathered in this collection explore the porous and moveable boundaries between human and non-human, good and evil, and the practices that shift them in and out of view.

Objects with Personality

This is a painting I did
River Dee

A black and white photograph of a harbour. There is a river in the centre surrounded by buildings and dark shadows. The reflections of buildings can be seen in the water. The sky overhead is cloudy. The photo is somewhat off centre, so the horizon line tilts down to the left. White poetic text in the bottom left corner reads “I exist in four dimensions / Molecules scattering between elements / depth / width / length / and time.”
Dolphins, Ships & Other Vessels

T-Rex in Town

A book cover titled Animalia. The title is in white capital serif letters, just above the centre of the page. There is a large black letter A that splits up the cover into four sections, one on either side of the A, and two inside the letter form. Each section has a different abstract pattern in a dark spot colour. The subtitle “An Anti-Imperial Bestiary for Our Times.” is in green italics under the title. Near the bottom of the cover is the text “Antoinette Burton & Renisa Mawani, Editors.”