Before Law

Electrocuting the Elephant
Evoking the circus elephant deemed unfit for its job, and therefore executed as public performance over a century ago, Electrocuting the Elephant highlights the performative nature of the law, and its web of entanglements and violences. In this collection, works consider the ways in which the law as public spectacle continues to generate social capital, and perpetuate harms that take on many shapes, and are persisted by many structures: neo-colonialism, gentrification, financialization, and contemporary capitalism.

Still from, Late August at the Hotel Ozone (Konec srpna v Hotelu Ozone) 1967, Pavel Juráček and Jan Schmidt.
Second Natures


A Problem of Knowledge

A close up of battered wooden floorboards with three boats drawn in blue pen. The floorboards are weathered and worn - one of them is painted in chipped white paint. The boats are crudely drawn in unsteady lines, each one unique. A small motorboat sits above a sailboat, and to the left the hull of a larger ship is cut off by the frame. A piece of tattered cloth lies on the floor in the bottom left of the image, a string crossing over the bowsprit.
The Sea in the River

Objects with Personality

T-Rex in Town

Bite & Hold